6 Ways to Use Kangaroo Water + Climate Sensors


Security isn’t just about keeping intruders out, it also means ensuring the inside of your home is safe from threats, even the most unexpected threats. That’s why our Kangaroo Water + Climate Sensors make the perfect addition to any home. These multi-functional gadgets detect extreme changes in temperature, water, and humidity in your surrounding environment. They can even detect leaks with as little as 1MM of water. Whether you’ve got frozen pipes or a leaky washer, these sensors will immediately alert you via the Kangaroo app that something’s wrong. That way, you can prevent them from becoming pricey mistakes. Discrete and easy to install, simply place them by your washing machine, basement, under the sink, or other high-humidity areas that you want to monitor. You’ll forget they’re even there.

Here are some of the best ways you can use your Kangaroo Water + Climate Sensors:

1. Stop leaks before they become disasters - Water parks are fun, but not when they’re in your own home. With a Water + Climate Sensor, you’ll find out instantly when there are leaks, so you can fix it before the real (expensive) damage is done. Put them by your sinks, refrigerators, dishwashers, or anywhere else that might be at risk of water leakage and flooding.


2. Keep your indoor plants happy - Dedicated plant parents know how important it is to maintain optimal humidity for your indoor garden. If you want to keep your plant babies looking lush and healthy, you can monitor your room’s humidity levels and ensure it never gets too dry, especially during colder months. You can also use Water + Climate Sensors to make sure there are no plant leaks when overwatering occurs.


3. Make sure gadgets don’t overheat - If you’ve got a room filled with gadgets, wires, and other circuitry, then it could be a recipe for overheating and even fires. Installing Water + Climate Sensors will help you monitor the temperature levels and notify you if there are any potential mishaps.


4. Protect your art and other valuable assets - There’s a reason why galleries and museums have all those fancy sensors. Too much humidity can damage valuables like paintings, prints, mosaics, and sculptures. So if by any chance you’re hiding another Mona Lisa or even your kid’s first drawing in a frame, you can use our Water + Climate Sensors to ensure they’re protected from moisture.


5. Get notified about fires or other disasters - With a Water + Climate Sensor placed in your home while you’re not there, of course monitoring for flooding is top-of-mind. But what about fires? If you’re sleeping or not home to hear the CO Detector, no worries. Your Sensor will detect smoke and the change in temperature, alerting you ASAP.


6. Prevent mold growth - Mold thrives in humid, musty environments. Think basements, kitchens, your laundry room, and other areas without proper ventilation. It’s not just costly to fix, but it can also produce allergens that are harmful to your health. While you can’t completely mold-proof your home, you can make it mold-resistant. Our Water + Climate Sensors can help you keep moisture levels in check so you can take proactive measures to keep your home well-ventilated enough.


Get even more creative with how you use your Water + Climate Sensors because the options are truly endless.

Like we said, setting it up is easy, tool-free, and foolproof; all you need is a WiFi connection and the free Kangaroo app. The air quality information is automatically updated in the app, once per hour. What’s more, you can even set custom ranges based on your personal preferences. So when the temperature or humidity gets lower or higher than the limits you set, you’ll get real-time alerts on your phone.


Introducing our Memorial Day Bundle (you do the grilling, we’ll do the protecting)


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