Package Theft 101: Don't Let Your Deliveries Disappear!

Have you ever gotten that dreaded notification: "Delivery attempted, no answer"? Only to check your porch and find...nothing? Package theft is a growing concern, especially with the rise of online shopping. But fear not, fellow delivery recipients! Here's your ultimate guide to outsmarting porch pirates and keeping your packages safe.

Why They Steal:

Package thieves are opportunists. They typically target easy pickings – unattended boxes left on doorsteps. The loot can range from electronics to clothes, making it a lucrative crime for minimal effort (for them, that is).

Secure your Front Door:

  • Sign Up for Delivery Alerts: Most delivery companies offer notification options. Know when your package is coming and be ready to receive it.

  • Request a Signature Release: For high-value items, consider requiring a signature upon delivery. This forces someone to be present to receive the package.

  • Think Outside the Porch: If you're worried about leaving packages unattended, consider alternative delivery locations. Can you have it delivered to your office, a trusted neighbor, or an Amazon Locker?

Deterrence is Key:

  • Be a Box Buster: Invest in a secure lockbox specifically designed for package deliveries. These metal bins bolt to your porch and require a code to open.

  • The Power of Peepers: Security cameras are a fantastic theft deterrent. A strategically placed camera can capture the culprit and provide valuable evidence to the police. Consider Kangaroo Home Security's Indoor & Outdoor Camera.

  • Light Up the Night: Motion sensor lights not only illuminate your porch but also startle potential thieves. A well-lit area is less inviting for criminals.

  • Beware the Bark: If you have a dog, consider a "Beware of Dog" sign, even if you don't have a canine companion. It might be enough to deter a thief.

Post-Theft Protocol:

  • Report It: If a package goes missing, file a report with the delivery company and local police department. The more information collected, the better chance of recovering your stolen goods.

  • Review Your Home Security: This is a good time to assess your home security measures. Are there any additional steps you can take to prevent future thefts?

Package Theft on the Rise: Stats You Need to Know

Ordering online has become a way of life, but the convenience comes with a growing concern: package theft. These disappearing deliveries are a major frustration for consumers, with statistics reflecting a significant problem.

Here's a look at some eye-opening statistics on package theft

  • Target Rich Environment: A whopping 17% of Americans reported having a package stolen in the past three months, according to a 2023 study by [ Package Theft Statistics]. This translates to millions of frustrated consumers each year.

  • Costly Consequences: The financial impact of package theft is substantial. estimates that stolen packages amounted to over $8 billion in merchandise during the past year [ Package Theft Statistics].

  • Holiday Hotspots: Package thefts tend to spike during the holiday season.'s report highlights that 88% of adults worry about theft around the holidays, with a significant portion feeling "extremely" or "very" concerned [ Package Theft Statistics].

  • Under-Reported Crime: Despite the prevalence of package theft, many incidents go unreported.'s study reveals that fewer than one in seven package thefts are reported to the police [ Package Theft Statistics], making it difficult to track the full scope of the problem.

Kangaroo to the Rescue:

Kangaroo Home Security offers a range of solutions to keep your deliveries safe. The Indoor & Outdoor Camera allows you to monitor your porch remotely. With night vision and two-way audio, you can scare off potential thieves or capture footage for the authorities..

The Kangaroo Photo Doorbell is a budget-friendly way to add a layer of security to your home. When motion is detected or the doorbell is pressed, it captures a series of still images, giving you a quick glimpse of who's at your door. This cost-effective choice is perfect for those looking for an easy installation (no complex wiring here!) and a way to monitor not just deliveries but other areas of your home too, like a back door or garage entrance.

If you crave real-time views and comprehensive evidence, the Kangaroo Video Doorbell is your champion. It offers everything the Photo Doorbell does, plus the ability to record video clips. This provides invaluable footage in case of a theft or suspicious activity. See who's lurking around at night with the Video Doorbell's night vision prowess, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with being able to see and talk to visitors remotely through the Kangaroo app, especially when you're away from home.

Kangaroo Protection Plans: Keeping You Covered

Kangaroo Home Security offers peace of mind not just with security features, but also with reimbursement plans in case of theft or damage. Here's a breakdown of our coverage options:

Cam Protect: Essential Coverage for Everyday Incidents

  • Reimbursement: $250 annually, with a maximum of $125 per claim.

  • Coverage: This plan reimburses you for losses due to theft or damage to your Kangaroo devices or covered accessories.

  • Ideal for: Those looking for basic coverage for their Kangaroo equipment in case of incidents like porch pirates stealing a doorbell camera or accidental damage to a sensor.

Complete Protect: Comprehensive Coverage for Complete Security

  • Reimbursement: $1,000 annually, with a maximum of $500 per claim (up to two claims per year).

  • Coverage: This plan offers all the benefits of Cam Protect, plus additional coverage for theft and damage to your home contents (not just Kangaroo devices).

  • Ideal for: Homeowners who want broader protection for their belongings in case of break-ins, leaks, or other covered events.

Q&A: Package Piracy Paranoia

Your Question Answered!

Q: I keep hearing about porch pirates stealing Amazon packages. How can I stop them from swiping my deliveries?

A: Don't worry, you're not alone. Package theft, also known as porch piracy, is a growing problem. Here are a few ways to deter those sticky fingers:

  • Delivery Lockers: Consider using an Amazon Locker, FedEx locker, or USPS parcel locker for secure package delivery. These lockers act like PO boxes, holding your package until you can retrieve it with a code.

  • Security System: Invest in a home security system with a security camera or video doorbell. A camera can deter thieves and capture footage of a package steal in case it happens.

  • Delivery Alerts: Sign up for delivery alerts from your delivery companies (USPS, FedEx, etc.) Knowing exactly when your package is arriving allows you to be home for the delivery or arrange for pick up shortly after.

  • Delivery Manager Services: Utilize services like FedEx Delivery Manager, which allows you to authorize a neighbor to receive your package or reroute it to a hold location.

  • Amazon Hub: See if there's an Amazon Hub near you. These act like mini fulfillment centers where you can pick up your Amazon orders.

Q: What should I do if my Amazon package is already stolen?

A: Here's how to handle a stolen package:

  • Contact the Retailer: First, report the theft to the retailer (Amazon in this case). They may be able to offer a refund or replacement.

  • Contact the Delivery Company: Report the theft to the delivery service (USPS, FedEx, etc.) They may be able to track the package or provide additional information.

  • File a Police Report: Consider filing a police report, especially if the value of the stolen package is significant. This will create a record of the theft, which may be helpful for insurance purposes or if the police catch the thief. Remember, theft, also known as larceny, is a crime.

Q: Can my credit card company help if my package gets stolen?

A: It depends on your credit card company's policy. Some credit card companies offer purchase protection that may cover stolen packages. Check your credit card company's privacy policy for details.

Q: Are there any other ways to prevent package theft?

A: Here are some additional tips:

  • Request a Signature Delivery: This requires someone to be present to sign for the package, reducing the chance of a porch pirate stealing it.

  • Ask a Neighbor to Keep an Eye Out: Let a trusted neighbor know about your upcoming delivery and see if they'd be willing to hold it for you if you're not home.

  • Install a Lockbox: Consider a lockbox on your porch for secure delivery. The delivery driver can place the package inside the lockbox with a code you provide.


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