Spring Break Fun: Don't Forget Home Security in the Getaway Rush!

Spring break! – a time for students to unwind, soak up some sun, and recharge for the final push of the academic year. But for homeowners, it can also be a time of worry, especially if your house sits empty while you're away. Here are some safety tips to ensure your home stays safe while you're off creating spring break memories:

Let us look at existing statistics to get a general idea of potential home safety risks:

  • Increased Vacancy: Spring break often leads to more homes being unoccupied, which can be attractive to burglars. According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting FBI UCR, vacant homes are three times more likely to be burglarized than occupied ones.

  • Fire Hazards: With spring weather comes a rise in electrical hazards from using space heaters and increased cooking activity. The National Fire Protection Association NFPA reports that cooking is the leading cause of home fires in the United States, accounting for over 50% of all home fires.

  • Risk of Accidental Drowning: Spring break often coincides with warmer weather and pool use.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC reports that unintentional drowning is a leading cause of death for children.

Fortress Facade: Create an Illusion of Occupancy:

  • Lights on, nobody home (almost): Invest in timers for your indoor and outdoor lights. Program them to turn on and off at different times throughout the day and evening, mimicking the natural rhythm of someone being home.

  • Radio chatter: Leaving a radio playing at low volume can create the illusion of someone being present. Opt for talk radio or upbeat music for a more natural feel.

  • Envelope this! Pause mail and newspaper delivery, or ask a trusted neighbor to collect them regularly. A piling mailbox is a red flag for potential burglars.

Fire Safety:

  • Smoke Alarms & CO Detectors (carbon monoxide detector): Double-check these life-saving devices! Replace batteries and ensure they're functioning properly. Early detection is crucial in case of a home fire or carbon monoxide leak.

  • Fire Extinguisher Power: Have a properly charged fire extinguisher within reach, but remember - fire escape planning is equally important! Practice your escape plan with your loved ones.

  • Space Heater Safety: With spring chills lingering, ensure space heaters are on clean, sturdy surfaces away from flammable materials.

  • Stovetop Supervision: Never leave a lit stove unattended! A single pot left forgotten can spark a disaster.

Choke & Hazard Havens:

  • Tiny Treasure Protection: For little ones on the move, be mindful of choke hazards like small toys or loose cords. Secure cabinets with child safety locks and keep cribs free of suffocation hazards.

  • Poison Patrol: Keep all cleaning products, medications, and other poisons safely locked away in a home safe. Program Poison Control's number into your phone for emergencies.

  • Electrical Safety: Secure electrical outlets with covers and keep them out of reach of curious hands. Teach children about electrical safety as a key fire prevention tip.

Social Media Savvy: Share Wisely

  • Keep your vacation private: While you might be excited to share your spring break adventures, avoid posting real-time updates on social media. Wait until you return home to share those tropical poolside pics!

  • Befriend a house sitter (virtually): Ask a trusted friend or neighbor to keep an eye on your property. They can check the mail, ensure everything looks normal from the outside, and even water your plants if needed. Video chats can also be a great way to do a virtual "walkthrough" for them.

Fort Knox Security: Bolster Your Defenses

  • Lock It Up Tight: Secure all windows, doors, and even pool gates with sturdy locks. Deter burglars with a visible home security system from Kangaroo.

  • High-Tech Help: Install Kangaroo security cameras to keep an eye on things while you're away. Even a glimpse of a camera can deter intruders.

  • Alarm Advantage: Kangaroo's alarm system offers peace of mind. A loud alarm can scare off intruders and alert you remotely.

  • Medical Alert Ready: Consider a medical alert system for added security, especially for elderly loved ones at home.

Pool Safety Checklist:

  • Supervision is Key: Never leave children unattended near a pool or bathtub. Drowning is a leading cause of accidental death in young children.

  • Safety Gate Security: Ensure your pool gate is self-closing and latches securely.

  • Safe & Sound Alarms: Consider installing pool alarms that detect movement in the water.

  • First Aid at the Ready: Keep a well-stocked first-aid kit poolside for minor scrapes or bumps.

  • Drain Safety: Ensure proper pool drainage to avoid stagnant water becoming a breeding ground for mosquitos.

Spring Cleaning Safety Checklist:

  • Ventilation is Vital: Open windows and doors for proper ventilation when using harsh cleaning products.

  • Read & Follow Labels: Always read and follow the instructions on cleaning product labels. Wear gloves and eye protection if recommended.

  • Clean Product Power: Opt for eco-friendly cleaning products whenever possible to minimize exposure to harsh chemicals.

  • Electrical Safety: Unplug appliances before cleaning them to avoid electrical hazards.

  • Sharp Object Storage: Store sharp objects like knives and cleaning tools safely out of reach of children and pets.

Travel Safety Checklist:

  • Lock & Double-Check: Lock all doors and windows securely before leaving for your trip.

  • Water Heater Woes: Adjust your water heater to a lower setting to prevent scalding accidents while you're away and to save energy.

  • Unplug It: Unplug electronics and appliances to prevent power surges or electrical fires.

  • Mail Management: Arrange for mail and newspaper hold or have a trusted neighbor collect them to avoid a giveaway of your absence.

  • Security System Status: Additional safety tips -  Arm your Kangaroo Home Security System for complete peace of mind while you're away.

Kangaroo Home Security: Easy and Affordable Protection for Your Home

Kangaroo home security offers a user-friendly and budget-conscious approach to keeping your home safe.

Here's what Kangaroo boasts:

  • Simple to Set Up: No complicated wiring or drilling required. Kangaroo's system is designed for easy DIY installation, making it perfect for renters or those who don't want the hassle of professional installation.

  • Scalable Protection: Start with a basic doorbell camera and build your security as needed. Motion sensors, siren + keypad, and additional cameras can be added to your existing system at any time.

  • Pet-Friendly Sensors: Kangaroo's motion sensors are designed to distinguish between humans and furry friends, reducing false alarms triggered by your pets.

  • Optional 24/7 Professional Monitoring: For added peace of mind, Kangaroo offers professional monitoring plans that provide a rapid response in case of an emergency.

  • App-Based Control: Arm and disarm your system, view live streams, and receive alerts directly from your smartphone using the Kangaroo app.

  • Potential Insurance Discounts: Having a security system in place may qualify you for a discount on your homeowner's insurance.

Here's a quick comparison to consider:

  • Easy on the Wallet: Kangaroo home security system is known for its affordability compared to some competitors.

  • Focus on Simplicity: While offering some customization options for home safety, Kangaroo  prioritizes a user-friendly experience over complex features.

Is Kangaroo Right for You?

Kangaroo home security system is a strong choice for those looking for a user-friendly and affordable home security system. It's ideal for renters, apartments, or those who want a basic system with the option to expand later.

Spring break should be a time for relaxation, not worry about your home. By following these simple tips, you can return from your adventures to a safe and secure haven. So pack your bags, embrace the sunshine, and enjoy some peace of mind knowing your home is well-protected.


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